Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Whoaa!!dua2 menarik..

kalaulah berezeki lebih..dapat salah satu kat bwh ni pun best...

 nokia c3 in shocking pink..

iphone 4 in truly white..

ouhh..cair hati nengok..huhukk..
which one would u prefer??:))

Monday, October 18, 2010

cerita 101010

hoho..sungguh lmbt mahu bercerita..last weeken i was at dungun for couple of days owing  to the meeting cum presentation of self review portfolio for my campus..

this is it..breath taking scenery of uitm dungun..sedang membayangkan if penang campus ada view mcm ni kan best..:))

this picture was taken from our hotel..sgt2 cantik..aman damai permai je kan..

back to png on 101010 sumwhere in the afternoon..my connecting flite from KLIA to PNG was at 2pm somehow i reached there at 11am..what should i be doing for another 3hours..oh..kesian saya..at last i end up lepak at KFC with free wireless connection but  then it sucks..aihh..KLIA ke apa nih..maybe tmpt i duduk tu signal very limited kot..sp suruh duduk ceruk2 sgt kan..hehe..

being alone for 2hours, i got this...
mujurlah ia comell..hehe
and this..
 sedekah itu amalan mulia..:)

bear the message: KEEP OUR CITY CLEAN!!!

tiba di rumah around 4pm..kemas2 brg..rehat2 badan...lepas maghrib plak ke sg dua..ofismate akad nikah mlm tu..d best part is, tetiba i kena jd bridesmaid masa majlis akad kat masjid..bidan terjun nih..nasib baik pkai proper jugak...huhu..

with pengantin yg comell..:)
 we are the singular..

put your eyes on..101010..:)

agaknya sp yang kawen time ni hantaran dia plg kurang pun mesti 101010 kot ek..hehe

 tumpang pelamin org..

 bergambar dgn boss..puan janidah..

ok jugak kalo sekali sekala letak picta sebesar2 ni ye..pastu npk habes jerawats2 di muka..:p takpun mcm picta i di bawah ni nampak ketumbit di bwh mata yg takmo hilang2..huh..tensi sungguh sy..camna nk buat ek?huihu..

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kos bertunang

so far, preparation for my e-day was just very2 tiny miny done..what i did is just buying the cloth for my outfit nanti je..yang lain blom dibuat lg...hehe..insyallah,sempat lg..:)) ok then..just to update on the whole cost that i could think at the moment..

here is the list of what they are..

1) Baju + upah- RM400 (sekali seumur hidup..xpala kan..ayat nk sdpkan hati..huhu)
2) Makan - RM6 x 100(this is maximum pax that could be reached..tp aku rs xsampai amount 
                ni pon..)
             - RM600
3) Mekap - RM150 (not sure how much is the current rate yg mak andam amek) 
4) Mini dais - RM100 (DIY je kot..)
5) Hantaran - RM500 (simple2 je..ckup kot ni)
6) bed sheet - RM200 (oh..i really need a new piece of it which a simple one with plain  
                     pastel colour)
7) Homestay for his fam - RM180 per nite..share dgn kekandaku..:))
8) Khemah - RM150 (harga yang aku agak2 je la..hopefully wont exceed budget aku ni)
    *khemah ni perlu since rumah aku duduk ni sgt kecik..kesian tetamu yang mai nti..
so total up it cost me roughly about RM2280...(excluding hidden cost lagik nih..huhu)
seboleh2nya nak save on budget utk e-day ni..ni yg maximum la kot yang bleh aku pk skang ni..hopefully im on my budget..:))