Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jom cuti-cuti malaysia..


Chineese new year is approaching therefore Malaysian servants will be on leave for 4 days (including weeken la ek..)..yessszaa!!!! ckp pasal cuti ni weekend ni sy dh plan nk cuti2 mesia kat kelantan..dlm byk2 tmpt knp mesti kelantan yek?huhu..dh lm tringin nk ke kelantan, soping tudung n kain especially sutera yg best2 kt sna..hrp2 dpt murah la...

since this is a last minute py planning..ari ahad ni nk p..ari isnin lepas bru start searching for a tau2 je la dh lmbt2 ni kan..suma resort dh fullhouse..aiyakkk!!pcb n perdana resort sy call diorg ckp dh penuh..*pasrah*..itula..plan lmbt lg kan...i only manage to get a hotel in the heart of kota bahru..nm dia sutera inn prima..(ada sesp penah come across to this hotel x?)..hopefully we can get a superb service la kan..

ni gambar before p keja aritu..sempat lg..;p

this is me..i luv camwhoring..hehe..(abaikan kualiti gmbar yg buruk ni..pkai hp cikai je..huhu)

soalan test xsiap lg..aish..dh2..
till then..babai..heva great day evryone..


  1. klu nk p klntn or shopng kt sner kne pndai ckp klate bru la dpt murah2......lg murah age r..hehe

  2. org tgk muka pon dh tau kot bkn org

  3. perasan ..... :P


jgn malu2 introduce siapa anda ye..anonymous tak wujud dlm kamus hidup saya..terima kasih..:))