Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Boleh ke baby 4bulan mkn solid food?

Skarang ni yg menjadi kerisauan sy ialah stok susu utk Raisha bulan puasa nnti..sy cuma ada stok utk 3 hari je stakat ni..susu boleh drop jugak sedikit kalau bln puasa..itu yg merisaukan..so sy dh start pikir nk bgsolid food utk raisha..by d month of rmadan nnti raisha dah 4months plus plus..mengikut pembacaan sy dh boleh start tp dgn small amount n selective fruits je dlu..probably akan start bg raisha mkn pisang + beast milk..hrp mmbantula..itupun klau susu mama ni xckupla utk raisha..klau msih ckup even harini pam esok minum..tetap akan mama usahakan..:)

Tanda2 baby dh boleh diberi solid food (source:baby centre)

Age: 4 to 6 months

Signs of readiness for solid food
Your baby probably won't do all these things – they're just clues to watch for.
  • Can hold head up-dah boleh
  • Sits well in highchair-boleh duduk tp dgn support la..huhu
  • Makes chewing motions-takda pulak
  • Shows significant weight gain (birth weight has doubled)-yg ni sudah pasti..
  • Shows interest in food-tgok2 gitu je la
  • Can close mouth around a spoon-blom try buat
  • Can move food from front to back of mouth-sama jugak
  • Can move tongue back and forth, but is losing tendency to push food out with tongue-sama jugak
  • Seems hungry after 8 to 10 feedings of breast milk or 40 oz. of formula in a day
  • Is teething-kena 40 oz ke seari?huhu

boleh dh ke bg ni?hihih..ada sbulan lg utk monitor development raisha..hopefully dia dh tjuk sign2 kat atas ni then baru mama boleh bg solid food dgn sng hati..:))


  1. Kalo ikotkan polisi la...di galakkan esklusive breastfeed anak sampai 6 bulan, x mix ngan susu lain. Then 6 month uh baru bleh start yg semi solid nyer, susu formula tuh...

    Sekadar kongsi info.. Salam perkenalan dr sy, eLya ^^

  2. hi elya..thanx 4 d sharing :) hrp2 susu sy ckup so xperlula introduce seawal 4bulan..hehe


jgn malu2 introduce siapa anda ye..anonymous tak wujud dlm kamus hidup saya..terima kasih..:))