Monday, May 17, 2010

Jodoh pertemuan di tgn Tuhan...

Im sure each of us have come across to this phrase kan...sgt2 famous ayat ni especially bila ada yg merancang utk berumah tangga tetapi akhirnya terpaksa membatalkan niat angkara pelbagai masalah..tup2 bila dgr dh nk kawen dgn org lain lah yg dikatakan jodoh pertemuan d tangan Tuhan..tetiba nk bercerita pasal hal ni disebabkan kwn rapat alami kejadian ni..agak terkejut bla dengar..this guy has been married to other girl (how true it is nobody knows)...sgt3 sedih bagi pihak kwn tu..tapi yang pasti every cloud has its silver lining aite??so im really hope dat she will be tied with sumone dat she deserved to be with soon..amin..

tetiba im feeling very2 bout my future husband to be,is he loyal enuff towards me all this while??wallahualam...pray hard that Allah will give me a lasting love towards my entire life..amin ya rabbal alamin..=)


  1. kene pndai2 ler trima knyataan......tuhan dh tntu kn sgala2 nyer......

  2. kenyataan itu pahit..yg pasti hikmah di sebalik kenyataan itu manisnya..:)

  3. tau beringat2 ler yee...


jgn malu2 introduce siapa anda ye..anonymous tak wujud dlm kamus hidup saya..terima kasih..:))