Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a proverb would be such inspiring..

"it takes a father and a mother to father a child, it takes a village to raise up a child"

ive quoted this proverb from Prof Suhaimi during his speech regarding OBE AWARENESS in UiTM..

it is actually originated from the african man..i felt very pleased once i heard this proverb..it actually potrays thousands of meanings..TRUE, to father a child we only need a pair of commitment from these two guiding hand which we called them mak,mama,ibu or mummy and not forgotten people whom we called abah,ayah,papa or daddy..on the other hand, to raise up a child, it actually requires much more effort than what we think it is needed..

for real,we need the whole community to educate them in a silence way..the community is the best teacher who inspired them from all those people who have succeed and so to have fails in life..small kids learn and gather knowledge through their experiences from every single body in a 'village'..people might take it for granted, but in today's world we need to be aware that people is being educated and influenced by their surroundings..without strong values in their heart, they will tend to forget their own's root..think about our future..are we eligible to be inspired by our generation?YES!!we are..(",)

have a pleasure day everyone..may todays' wish will be for real tomorrow..

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jgn malu2 introduce siapa anda ye..anonymous tak wujud dlm kamus hidup saya..terima kasih..:))