Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Membeli belah utk majlis kecil..

last weekend kekanda turun penang so kami round island searching for some goodies..first place ke queensbay carik cincin..last2 dapatla kat poh kong..mmg rambang mata tgk all kind of design ada kat sana..bersinar2 anak mata tgk..huhuh..harga emas 1 gram RM157..ouhh..sgtlah mahal kan?cian la groom to be luar sana asek  kena kuar duit je..huhuh..thanx dear!! ;) then trus carik baju utk kekanda n alang..kenapa utk alang jugak?sebab kekanda ni dh langkah bendul so i must provide him with a piece of gift..xkirala apa pun..therefore i bought him a shirt not to forget my dear kekanda pun dapat jugak..:)

xdak keja ini orang..

pic2 ni gara2 sudah tak keruan menunggu kanda di dalam outlet berkenaan..heheh..

cerita paling best ialah dewan sudah ditempah..yeayy!!no more worried..bila dewan dh tempah mknanya tarikh pun dh adala..ouhh..mari berdoa agar segalanya lancar n d most important thing is to pray hard so dat i could avoid overlapping date with induction course yg most probably would be held somewhere around my big day tu...n to kekanda lets workout on d date ye..:)) dewan yg ditempah tu ialah dewan kompleks sukan bertam kepala batas..ok tak dewan nih?anyone tau?hehehe..

 ni pula di hari kedua semasa menunggu kanda berjual beli..:)



  1. salam dear,
    boleh tau, how to book the hall? yg dewan kompleks sukan tu? and the rates? ok tak?
    i'm thinking of holding my reception at the hall too, senang tak payah susah2 kemas rumah and reception pun bleh tamat time yg tepat.

    thanks, and congratulations on ur upcoming wedding =)

  2. hi miss laily
    book through cost me RM950..RM300 will be refund after majlis nnti..:)


jgn malu2 introduce siapa anda ye..anonymous tak wujud dlm kamus hidup saya..terima kasih..:))