Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Updates on Hantaran I

halloo.last weekend outing dgn my mum n sis..at first my intention was to search for mak andam...
this is what we result for..huhu..

 dh mcm shoping dekat tesco bukan?

this is what i got from A TU Z WEDDING HOUSE...we spent for 3 hours unconsciously in the premise..sedar2 perut dh lapar...i rasa2 kan...if our stomach never caused disturbance on dat day, i think we could bear for another 2 hours kot...hahaha..after all, sgt satisfied dgn
service n environment pun sgt2 condusive..jom pakat2 pi..:))

its a great pleasure for me to purchase those stuffs..at least i'm able to check my list for the hantaran n the most relief part is i could stop hunting for the design which disturbingly popped in my mind most of the time..huhuh..
what's left is just to seek for the items meant for the hantaran..
as im writing this post..i've completed 6 hantarans only left 3 more..im lucky to have mum n sistas who tend to be very2 helpful..they are much more eager than me..i guess..heheh..

skarang ni tengah cari2 dewan mn yang sesuai kat area seberang perai ni..
kalo rumah n halaman besar kn senang..xyah pk2 dewan nih..huhukk..


  1. salam kenal dear..
    waa..da shoping2..slmt mbuat preparation dear..

  2. A tu Z...dok penang ye...sama ngan hantaran tunang sy.. :D

  3. yupp..org penang gak..awk pun ye?sama eh..hehe..

  4. i spent almost 1k 4 4hours at A tu Z last month..haha..
    tp best la kan,sume satu bumbung,senang nk cri sume brg..:)

  5. aja: wah a lot tuh..hehhe..gud luck on yr wedding ye..xlama dh kan..:)

  6. hi dear...salam perkenalan...
    tempat hantaran kiter sama laa!!oopss..terpecah rahsiaaa :D

  7. Salam singgah. :)
    sedang menggubah untuk hantaran tunang ye? good luck! saya dulu pun DIY jugak. seronok~


jgn malu2 introduce siapa anda ye..anonymous tak wujud dlm kamus hidup saya..terima kasih..:))